Awarding Again, Soon.

My realty for the past three consecutive years has fought side by side with big corporations in sales competitions. We may be landing third in every yearly awards always, but it is not the ranking and the kinds of award that matter - it is how our painstaking effort is recognized, our contribution to sales growth is appreciated, and our time with the company is valued. 

It is not the number of salespersons, but their resourcefulness and effective marketing strategies that count, which are at par and as competitive as other topnotched sales entities.

It is not by the number, but by the quality of salespersons that weighs - a small number they may be, but their prowess and skills cannot be underestimated.

We serve clients to the best of our knowledge and skills, satisfactorily if not excellently - not leaving them until questions are answered, problems are addressed, and everything is settled.

We don't just get clients just to satisfy our quotas, but we get them with the assurance that they are qualified financially and well-decided finally in choosing their best homes imagined.

We at Vista Isarog Realty, good realty service is our business - Always.

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